Thursday, April 11, 2019


If you are reading this, then there’s something I must CONFESS….I’m an ADDICT………………

I’ve heard somewhere that the first step in admitting that you have a problem is just to say it out loud: 

I raise my hand and reveal my HABIT to all of you

No, it’s not alcohol (Although, from time to time may have a nice wine with my dinner) 

No, it’s not smoking (Never started with cigarettes, or even tried the strange smelling ones) 

No, it’s not drugs (My hardest drug taken over the years has been a Tylenol or Aleve or Motrin. I guess that makes me kinda a plain Jane. But, so be it. Never gotten into the stuff under the table) 

No, it’s not even chocolate (But, I must admit Lindt or Godiva does have a way of getting to me) 

I’m an addict
I’m addicted to WORDS

My name is A.H. Scott and I’m WORD-AHOLIC

Intoxicated by intelligence, I get high off of wisdom

Knowledge is that substance which I crave 

Now, you know my secret, my addiction to words and how trinkets of knowledge caress inspiration from my fingertips onto paper

My advice to anyone facing the same HABIT is to admit you are HOOKED on WORDS 

This is one addiction where you don’t want a CURE

Cold turkey in this case, is for your salad or sandwich

Every day you learn something new, whether you want to or not. Just relax and let the sentences, paragraphs, sonnets and commas do their thing on your brain. Period. 

As for me, I’m taking a deep breath and facing my addiction with absorbing a few grams of intelligence and imbibing wisdom daily. 

Coffee table books with pictures and prose usually will do the trick, if you’re feeling the wisdom wearing off of you

You might see one of us at the bookstore or library, taking a sniff of a classic or massaging a recent bestseller

No need to be afraid, we’re just getting our fix 

WORD-AHOLICS are people too

My name is A.H. and what I crave is a firmly placed word deep inside my psyche

Always have and damn straight, always will  

I’m A.H. Scott and I totally approve of this message

Thanks for letting me confess my addiction

- A.H. Scott 1/24/16

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