Thursday, June 13, 2019


Kindle Edition

Debt leads to desire. Desire leads to danger. Danger leads to a dormant disguise. Disguises dissolve and devotion's claw rips through society's satiny facade. 

Lies and secrets are like molecules of fat. They always rise to the surface.

Lawrence Chase owed a debt. His wife, Angela, decides to take a gamble of her own, which leads to places that unseen consequences roam. What begins as a bargain of assisting a spouse with a problem, takes a woman down a rocky road of self reflection, desire and unraveling a secret from the past. 

Looking at a portrait of a man and wife, the fractures of a marriage aren't easily seen. Smile and supportive caress hide the barren wasteland of a relationship. Desire can take us to places that the heart can never capture. A simple hand out to a stranger can be all that a lonely person could ever need. Even if it came from an unexpected source. 

Man of varied lies and devilish alibis has snaked his way into the lives of this couple. Before either knows it, they are submerged in something beyond their control. For what was a frivolous flirtation, became a shower of a heart's hidden obsession onto a floor of doom's dance. 

Sexy brunette with a pouting sense of privilege, Angela Carter Chase is the spoiled daughter of tycoon, Arthur Carter. Yet, daddy's dimes couldn't protect her from what she'd become immersed in. 

It leads her to a culminating moment of wondering to stay afloat in a marriage's rickety vessel of distress or forever going "Over My Head". 

Singular event on a sexually charged night with Angela Chase at it's core, turns from a bubblegum pop song of simplicity into a Wagnerian symphony of doom within the pages of "Over My Head". 

A wife. A husband. A lover. 

Sex. Money. Power. Lies. Obsession. Murder. 

No one gets out of this life without paying a price. 

Devotion came in a single kiss.

Begin to explore the saga of "Over My Head" at the following" 


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