Sunday, February 10, 2019


"Things in life that seem random, really aren't random at all. The blueprint of the heavens are the architects of time, space and coordinates in our lives. If you're walking along and find a penny on the ground, are you the type of person that stops to pick it up? Or, are you the person who just keeps on walking, because you're too lazy to bend down and pick it up? I'm one of the people that stops and picks up the penny. Nothing in life can ever be ignored, because we may think we are too busy to slow down and take a peek at what's right in front of us. Who knows; that penny might just be lucky for you. And, that's the point of nothing in life being as random as it seems. Some see a single piece of copper. While others can see one cent that can be added to a nickel, quarter or some dimes; to add up to a dollar. You see, even something which can be seen as almost easy to ignore can be part of a larger plan from above. Whether it's the rays of the sun that flickers upon that penny on the ground that caught your eye as you were walking. Or, the thought that you might need a few more cents to use for an additional purchase during your workday, I believe things take shape as they should be. The blueprint is laid out and taking shape all around us. Luck is what you make of the small things in your life. Hey, even if you think you are too grand to place that penny in your silk pocket, just remember that there is a man or woman who may down on their luck. Place the penny in their hand and that will be their start of luck..PEACE.." - A.H. Scott. 2/9/12

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