Sally came quickly to the realization that her words spoken were vacant, if not without actions taken to show what she meant. She stood up and made her way to the bureau with an ivory colored, lace cloth atop of it a few feet from the bed, “Lyla, you do know what goes on in this saloon, don’t you?”
“I do”, A bit embarrassed in answering this woman, Lyla added, “Sally, I’ve seen things here that I probably shouldn’t have”, Unable to react in another way, she nervously began to giggle, “To see you and the others here….doing things with those men”, Unaware of how to respond any further, she sighed.
Sally nodded, turning back to her and starting to rummage hands through that top drawer of this bureau, while speaking, “A touch of a man is something divine to experience, Lyla” Removing an item from the drawer, she smiled and tossed it lightly into Lyla’s lap, “This is a gift for you from me, Lyla”.
Ignorant of what this object was, Lyla held it in her hand, “It’s so soft. What is it?”
As Lyla Strauss held a peach colored, lace garter with a black silk ribbon center, Sally Addams remarked, “You really are pure as the driven snow, my young beauty”, Cradling Lyla’s chin with both hands, she spoke further about that garter, “A gentleman from Europe gave it to me a few years ago, when he was passing through to the North. It is a garter belt, Lyla”, Sally kissed Lyla’s forehead lightly, “It is very special to me. As are you, Lyla”.
Sally had known Lyla Strauss since she was a baby, raised by Dancy Ruelaix after her parents were tragically killed. Over the years, she had always looked out for this orphan girl. As she gazed at the young woman seated on that bed, Addams could see the confusion in those soft, brown eyes of Lyla……
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