Art inspired by a poem by A.H. Scott. –
“On The Shoulders of The Ancestors” – On the shoulders of the ancestors we climb to a higher plateau. With every step forward our perseverance grows. Not easy by any means. We cry, we sigh, we quake, we dream. On the shoulders of the ancestors, past, present and possibility align in Kismet’s aria. We howl at the top of our lungs, as our fingers reach outward to the Celestial kissed sky of blissful hues or orange and yellow and brushes of rainbows, too. We can never really know the path of hard times lived you truly had to go. If only we would have listened to tales spoken through years you were here with us. Parchment dotted with ink can tell only half-tales. Hefty tomes of history are outweighed by actions of sweat and blood from those that came before us. Coal mines, railroad tracks, belches of the revolution of industry puffs from smokestacks. You stood, you marched, you handed us the torch. We can only look back now and come to some sort of crumb of comprehension over what you sacrificed and toiled for to make our world a bit brighter for generations down the line. On The Shoulders of the Ancestors is the honored place to be. I perch myself on the shoulders of the ancestors, for now because of them we all are free. Words of nine I speak to the heavens with gratitude and grace - If not for you there would be no me!!!
A.H. Scott @Zazzle Store -
EnigmaticVisions @Zazzle Store –
Enigmatic Visions Emporium @Zazzle Store –
#NYC #art #poster #canvas #pillow #postcard #home #decor #furnishing #graphics #design #poem #culture #history #society #unity #perseverance #humanrights #civilrights #dignity #gratitude #remembrance #notforgotten #reverence #Zazzle #branding #marketing