Saturday, June 1, 2019


Standing in the middle of that workshop with sparks of machinery and inventive electricity filling the air around me, I knew I have should have turned around and left. Yet, a small part of me suddenly grew larger in size and scope of self assuredness in what I wanted and needed in that moment in time.

Crackle of torch melting and molding steel consumed the space between where I stood and the person sculpting an object of art. Flame turned off slowly, as the metal mask was lifted to reveal the man who was in the process of changing my life forever. He turned around and saw me in his realm.

His name was Davenport Ashley.

I am Joanie Maxwell and leaving him was not in the cards now. My back stiffened, as did my resolve to remain on course of experimenting in his arena of experience.

“Joanie?” Walking towards me, he added, “I didn’t think I’d be seeing you again”.

I concurred, “Same here”.

“Unfinished business?” Taking a dark blue cloth from his jean pocket and rubbing hands clean, he quizzed me.

I wasn’t going to chicken out now and say something wise-ass or snarky to him, as an honest assessment came from my lips, “Or….unfinished pleasure”.

The ball was now in his court, as was I in his arena.

Davenport had a way of cutting through bullshit and analyzing me in a way I was never quite comfortable with. As his mouth formed a grin, I knew he wasn’t going to disappoint me with his next string of words. And, I couldn’t wait to hear them. 

“Continuations have a way of heightening the thrill of the senses”, Davenport spoke of the past and present moment, as a possible future for both of us came from his oh so desirable lips. “Are you ready to really live, Joanie?

Bursting inside of me were those fireworks I never thought I would feel, as a single word exited my lips in pure relief, “Yes”.

My body exhibited a lifted weight off my shoulders, as I stood with casual grace before him. That momentary tenseness of my frame vanished in a three letter utterance.

He raised his voice slightly, when walking towards me, “Say that word again, Joanie”.

“Yes”, I smiled.

Once more with vocal ascension in that massive warehouse space when approaching closer, he peppered me with that question and urgency to hear my response, “Joanie, say it again!”

Feeling like a student standing in front of her dominating teacher, I began to giggle like some sort of teenager again and answered him with an infectious laughing grin, “Yes!”

Davenport tossed the blue cloth he held in his hands onto a wooden counter filled with screws, bolts and other bits of metal. He motioned with poised purpose towards me and I couldn’t wait to feel his hands upon me once more.

First contact of those warm hands onto my partially bare shoulders made me want to melt. Yet, it was those words he spoke that I was previously unable or unwilling to absorb in my psyche which left me thirsting with delight inside, “And, so my world opens to you, my beautiful one”.

This was real. He was real. And, it all was happening to me in the flesh.

Joanie Maxwell was the kind of woman comfortable in the background, never seeking that glaring light of attention. What she found in a single action on a rainy night in San Diego changed the trajectory of her life forevermore.

Certain women are crystallized beneath spotlight, while others are the ones seemingly content in the chorus. Yet, things that may seem one way actually are not originally seen

Take a spin on the axis of chance and unexpected possibilities in “Countermeasures: Buttons”.

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