Mr. Kishuriko had salt and pepper hair and dark brown eyes "Jasmine, welcome to our home" He wore a black suit with pink shirt underneath.
When he introduced himself to me, it almost took my breath away "Sir, it is my pleasure to be in your company".
"I am a very busy man, Jasmine" Brown eyes that seemed soft at first, turned quite demanding in a single look "You must never waste a man's time" He smiled lightly "My wife and I offer you an opportunity, which comes along once in a lifetime"
"I am grateful, sir" I bowed respectfully to him.
Wan-Lu smiled at me "Life is all too brief, Jasmine" Her voice filled the air "Opportunity like this may be only for a few days. Yet, the lessons you shall learn here, shall last you forever".
Teyoko Kishuriko broke that stern gaze and spoke gently to me "This place can be magical, if you open your mind, my dear" Placing his right hand out to me, he took me towards a large room next to that office with ornate desk "Everyone else has already arrived. You shall meet them along the way of this journey, Jasmine" Waving to a smattering of people in that room, he spoke once more "Everyone, this is Jasmine. She is my latest pupil".
I didn't know how to react, as he introduced me. So, I bowed instinctively.
As I did so, the others tittered and chatted amongst themselves in reaction to what I had just done.
Wan-Lu took me by the other hand "Jasmine, you will come with me now" Coyly smiling at her husband and the others "I will take very good care of her, Teyoko".
Exiting down a long hallway, she showed me the room I'd be staying in. It had a bed with my suitcase and purse upon it.
Paper bag that held a gift for my hosts was situated on the red leather chair next to the bed. I couldn't be a good guest without giving it to Mrs. Kishuriko "Madame, let me please give you this tiny trinket of my appreciation towards the both of you" Unrolling the brown paper, I pulled out a small dark green box out of it.
I cradled it between my palms and bowed as I handed it to her.
Flipping the lid of that box revealed a velvet lined interior with a crystal figurine in the shape of a crane. Wan-Lu chuckled "This is lovely, Jasmine" Closing the box, she held it in her hands "My husband will truly appreciate this gift from you, dear one".
"Thank you, Madame" I smiled back at her.
"I shall let you get your bearings from your sojourn here" She softly added "Your first lesson begins within the next two hours" Walking towards the door, her hand twisted the doorknob "And, please wear something appropriate, Jasmine" Mrs. Kishuriko exited the room.
I changed into a simple white linen dress and hoped my hosts would approve.
As I was soon to find out, the house of Kishuriko was of many rooms and affected moods.
Jasmine needed a special type of tutoring in her first year of study at Tokyo University.
A friend of hers, Kapaya, suggested she get a mentor instead.
His name was Teyoko.
A.H. Scott unfolds, “Origami: Jasmine's Journey”.
Fantasy by design…..
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